Saturday, March 24, 2012

Update: Agreement with Maras in El Salvador?

Former congressman and ex-guerrilla leader Raúl Mijango, who claims to have been one of the negotiators of a peace between MS 13 and Mara 18 in El Salvador, issued a statement reinforcing claims made by a Catholic bishop attributing falling homicide rates in El Salvador to this peace agreement.  The statement included words reportedly written in collaboration with both MS 13 and Mara 18 (as translated by
Since last year we have begun internally a deep process of reflection and analysis of the serious and pressing problems facing our country, of which we have been part, as a consequence of the war that we have been forced to fight due to social exclusion, marginalization, repression, and the need for survival...
We have not negotiated anything with this government, nor do we ask to, we are tired of corrupt and lying politicians ... that's why this time to accompany our process of reflection we preferred to ask for the assistance of the Church and civil society...
They have made it possible that after 20 years we have been able to reach an agreement between the two rival gangs where we have managed ... to significantly reduce the murders in the country, and, in a gesture of goodwill, to cancel all actions that include attacks against soldiers, police and guards.
 An article in El Faro reports that Mijango's statement criticizes EL Faro's coverage of an alleged agreement between the street gangs and the government. The statement called the newspaper irresponsible and unprofessional. You can see the full statement (in Spanish) by following the link to the article in El Faro.

Obviously, there is more going on here than you or I, as outsiders, can see. I have to admit I was more inclined to believe the original story of the government brokering a deal with the gangs at first, mostly because I see El Faro as one of the few trustworthy (or at least less blatantly biased) news sources in El Salvador. Yet the missive detailing the Church/civil society led true seems genuine. I wonder what prompted El Faro to run with this story. Was it so difficult to find out about a Church brokered truce? Were they obliviously ignorant of what was going on? Were they journalists misled? Or is this the truth that is now getting covered over? If this type of story had happened in Guatemala, there would already be loud accusations of the "opposition" trying to destabilize the government. But politics operate differently in El Salvador (to some extent at least, especially because there are somewhat stable political parties and the party in power at the moment was in the opposition for so long). I'll write more on this as things unfold, for those who are interested.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Negotiating with Gangs in El Salvador

Just finished reading a piece in the online Salvadoran newspaper El Faro. I'll write more of the details of this later (in the evening, perhaps, once I've finished what I need to get done for the day), but I wanted to lay out the basics here for anyone who is interested. A week an a half ago, El Faro reported on an agreement between the government and street gangs intended to reduce homicides rates. According to the report, the treaty included transferring gang leaders from maximum to minimum security prisons and other benefits for these prisoners in exchange for less gang violence in the streets. That same week, the article confirms, homicide rates fell to nearly half of what they had been the week before. This, in one of the most violent countries in the when judging according to homicide rates. The government, of course, denies these claims.

Following the publication of this investigation and another that uncovered an organized crime network that involved street gang leaders, prominent businessmen, and local politicians, El Faro journalists began to received threats. In one instance, a government official told the newspaper that gang leaders were upset with these reports and warned El Faro to remember the fate of documentary film maker Cristian Poveda (who was killed by gang members after making a documentary about the Mara 18 gang).

Most recently, a bishop in the Catholic Church has taken credit for the fall in homicide rates (averaging 5 per day, rather than the 14 per day in January and February), claiming that the Church had brokered a truce between Mara 18 and MS 13. Many doubt this story, however, as an article explains, because of the lack of details in the bishop's story.

Update: Messages from Zetas in Guatemala

More banners supposedly written by the Zetas appeared in Guatemala on Wednesday supporting the claim that the message thanking President Pérez for his drug legalization proposal were not written by Zetas. One white sheet written with the message appeared hanging from a roadside sign at the entrance to a village in Chiquimula while, more ominously, another appeared wrapped around the body of a university student, who had been shot three times. Although firefighters (who operate as first responders in Guatemala) found the student alive, he subsequently died in the hospital. The message, the same on both sheets, threatened the leader of the Líder political party, Manuel Baldizon, who came in second place in the most recent presidential elections. The alleged Zetas blame Líder for posting the previous banners I commented on in my previous posts (here and here), threatening to kill the politician if other messages appear in the Zetas' name. The message read: "Baldizon hijo de tu puta madre, deja de mandar a poner mantas a nombre mío!! Yo soy el Z200 te mataré hasta el perro de tu casa y a todos los del lider att. Z200." In English: "Baldizon, you son of a bitch, stop putting up signs in my name. I am Z200 and I will kill even your dog and everyone in Líder. attn: Z200." You can read an article about this in Spanish here.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

More on Zetas and Drugs in Guatemala

A quick follow-up on the last post about the banners allegedly hung by the Zetas in support of President Otto Pérez' drug legalization proposal in Guatemala:

In brief analysis of the situation from, that author states that the banners were most likely the work of those wishing to make Pérez look soft on crime. He claims that the Zetas would never support the legalization of drugs because the intent of these policies is to hurt drug traffickers. Although I'm not convinced it was the Zetas who wrote these public notes, I'm not terribly convinced by this argument, either. Drug traffickers won't be happy that transporting drugs in Guatemala would be legal? I'm not saying that it wouldn't lower violence linked to drug trafficking (although who knows, perhaps it would mean higher stakes and stiffer competition for those who control Guatemalan trafficking routes?), but I hesitate to take a stance on this either way, since I don't know the details of Pérez' plan, nor the numbers in terms of how much stays in Guatemala and how much moves on to Mexico and the US. The banners do seem to be more of a hoax than anything else, but saying that the Zetas wouldn't support legalizing drugs just because the policy is intended to hurt drug cartels seems like taking too much on faith. Unintended consequences are a major issue for any public policy, and I'm sure there are forces behind these proposed policies that we don't know about.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Zetas Support Legalization of Drugs in Guatemala?

I haven't written recently due to a major work overload, but I had to share this. I'm hoping to get to a more detailed discussion of this situation soon, but for now, here's a quick summary. The new President of Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina, has been very vocal recently about his campaign to legalize drugs in Guatemala (and to convince other countries in the region to join in this legalization) in an effort to fight narco-trafficking. This article appeared in the El Periódico newspaper today showing a banner hung on an overpass in Zone 13 in Guatemala City. The banner reads (in Spanish): Pérez y Baldetti cumplan legalizar las drogas y apoyaremos lucha contra maras. In English, it says, "If [President] Pérez and [Vice President] Baldetti legalize drugs, we will support their fight against the maras." Signed, Zetas 200. A similar sheet with similar writing also appeared in Zone 7. The newspaper calls the authors of the note "suspected Zetas," since no one knows if it was actually written and hung by members of the Zeta cartel and the people who quickly took down the sheet in Zone 13 were unidentified. According to the article, the president attributed the message to the opposition. Would legalizing drugs in Guatemala help or hurt the drug cartels? My gut response is that legalizing drugs would only hurt the traffickers if this legalization took place in their major market (the US) rather than in countries that are principally used as transportation routes. Yes, drugs are sold in Guatemala, and legalizing them might hurt the small-time drug dealers. Who benefits from legalizing the transportation, buying, and selling of drugs in a major transportation hub? Will the cartels pay taxes? I think I need to look into this further (I'm not even sure what President Pérez' proposal entails), and I'll post what I find for those of you who are interested.